5 Things We Can Learn from the Animals

5 Things We Can Learn from the Animals

There are some fundamental principals in martial arts that anyone can benefit from, without having any technical skills or official training. These principals relate to animal behavior. My first years in martial arts training were devoted to mastering the basic...
Quantum Physics and the Warrior Spirit

Quantum Physics and the Warrior Spirit

What does quantum physics have to do with the warrior spirit? Let’s take a look at what we know about our world and the universe it exists in—not much! All we really have are working theories. Why? Because perceptions change as a result of an ever-expanding knowledge...
Tap into a Power with Profound Potential

Tap into a Power with Profound Potential

There is a power available to everyone right now. To tap it, a shift in focus is required. The acts of a warrior are conscious, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Why? Because a warrior is in the present. A warrior is awake. A warrior also seeks to...
What Is a Warrior Spirit?

What Is a Warrior Spirit?

A “warrior spirit” is an attitude. A person with a “warrior spirit” has the conviction to do everything to the utmost of her—or his—ability. Everything. It doesn’t matter what she is doing—training, taking out the garbage, or working at a job...

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