A “warrior spirit” is an attitude.
A person with a “warrior spirit” has the conviction to do everything to the utmost of her—or his—ability. Everything. It doesn’t matter what she is doing—training, taking out the garbage, or working at a job she does not view as ideal. She always does her best because this is who she is, not because she is seeking rewards. The rewards may follow, but the warrior doesn’t care. Her reward is knowing she did her best.
A person with a “warrior spirit” never needs to brag or exaggerate. Why? Because she knows deep inside she has done her best. Humility, confidence, and peace flow naturally from actions which embody a 100% effort and commitment.
A person with a “warrior spirit” seeks always to better herself. She does not rest on her laurels. She continues to learn and evolve because it is the nature of our universe to evolve. Change is constant and undeniable; the warrior wastes no time resisting the natural flow of the universe. To stand still is to become toxic, as stagnant waters do.
A person with a “warrior spirit” takes responsibility. Not because of karma, or the fear that a cause will have an effect, but because a warrior is self-contained. She moves through this world leaving no tracks, no marks, no harm, and in doing so she will have made a difference.
A person with a “warrior spirit” is true to herself. She speaks her truth and holds her head high, knowing that all is equal. Nothing and no one is below her, or above her. She reflects the yin/yang balance of positive and negative, male and female, hard and soft. Strength without balance is easy to overcome.
A person with a “warrior spirit” trains the body, mind, and spirit to the highest level of attainment, balance, and integration, and continues to evolve in a never-ending upward spiral.